Meet Hector Cruz, Regional VP for Winn Residential:
Hector’s story is an interesting one. He never thought about or even imagined himself running. “One day, August of 2007 my wife came home and said we’re joining the gym,” he explained. Reluctantly, he agreed and then his journey began. At first he walked on the treadmill. That was boring so he began to jog on the treadmill. A little better, but still boring, so he moved to the indoor track. Finally, after a few weeks he decided to run a 5k, and immediately he was hooked. In the years since that first race, Hector has run more than 100 5ks, and more than 20 half and full marathons. In fact, he now act as a “pacer” for new runners. “I’m happy to say I often pace with some of my children and occasionally my wife, but that’s only if there’s some sort of shopping involved before or after the race,” he said.
“Running for me, is my lifeline. It allows me to tune everything else out and focus on my own heartbeat. It’s amazing when you have a job and lifestyle as hectic as I do ( I’m a father of 6 and grandfather of 1) to be able to find that place to go to and reset your clock. It makes me a better person around my family, and a much more productive and clear thinker at work. I’ve also been able to lose and keep off 35-40lbs without dieting!”
What’s his advice for new runners… “ don’t give up on yourself. Let your body show you what it can accomplish. Pace yourself and you’ll get there. We’re all beginners at some point.“