Thank you for another wonderful session of Women Only Ask the Coach! I had a fantastic experience
leaning into your contributions and support of each other; it was quite a moving evening. This installation of my blog is in response to many of your concerns and while I do not have the magic of a solution for all, please permit me to share my feelings. I encourage you to lend your voice as well as we all do benefit from the education of others.
The one concern that resonated deeply is your motivation during these times of COVID-19. Typically, motivation to remain committed to your fitter lifetime goals can be challenging, but these times I
understand, are trying in every way.
At the start of the pandemic and lock down, I felt lost. For the first time in 34 years of running, I was
void of races and training events. I gained some weight and then I got mad; this became my purpose. I
began to see the bright side and I challenge you to the do the same. Find your purpose and your power!
Mine is fitness maintenance as I am eagerly looking forward to racing again. I made an oath to come out
on the other side of “this thing” just as healthy or even better. Use this time for an honest self evaluation by noting it on paper. Be realistic and gentle with yourself as you create your plan, don’t overthink nor complicate it. Your greatness is realized in daily steps towards your greater objective or in other words, eat your elephant one bite at a time.
As women, we are expected to be the mules of society; STOP! You ARE NOT Atlas! You are flesh and
bone and it is perfectly fine to dial into your emotional sea, but do not remain there in your self-imposed limitations. Seek the support of your surrounding resources, be it your husband, children, friends or extended circle. If you work from home, I understand the pains of lack of your motivation or perhaps the time to work out. Here are some suggestions:
- SHOW UP daily! I follow my work routine daily – shower and dress as if I’m going into the
office. I still love my body with my scented lotions and scents. I find these to be a tremendous
buoyant to a positive attitude. - Become selfish with your “me” time; I have blocked my lunch hour on my work calendar for 15 years and I do not compromise it. My managers have always been supportive; confer with yours and am sure they will support your needs as it is truly a need.
- Practice becomes perfect becomes a habit; workout during lunch or early in the a.m. Wait until you see the sunrise or witness your world waking up; oh joy!
- Engage your husband/partner and kids. My daughter roller-skated and later rode her bike as I ran. I also engaged my neighbor by dropping her children off at school and she picked up my daughter allowing me to run for a bit after work.
- Make use of your backyard, driveway or sidewalk. I roll my spin bike out to my front yard and pedal away; I am often celebrated by vehicle and pedestrian traffic. They are my motivation and I now look forward with excitement for my rides on specific days after work as I know they too are inspired. The kids can draw away with sidewalk chalk; even do their homework. I sometimes chat it up on Facetime with my grandkids as we sort out issues. Great distraction and you can “kill two birds with one stone”.
- Download Yoga and other exercises on your device and take it out to your yard. I either walk or practice yoga during my lunch hour. I want to believe that I have inspired others as many of my neighbors whom I have never seen in my many years on our almost mile long street are now walking. Spark the change, be their change!
- Weather is NOT a reason! You will never realize your greatness if you defer to your “perfect” moment. Smashing through those negative thoughts are a great revelation of YOU! Find your POWER!
- Prep your meals in advance; engage the kids if you’re a mum. You now have more time to focus on you.
- Use this these times to clean your emotional house and your physical space. Donate clothing, clean up clutter, recreate your sleeping and living space. Holding onto physical and emotional junk is an indication of where you are in self-love and acceptance. Clear it OUT NOW!
- I implore you to unapologetically divorce folks who are draining you emotionally, who are not supportive nor contributing to the success of you. You don’t need closure, nor should you feel guilty of a long winded explanation. It is YOUR life; love them from afar and move on. Lighten your load.
- Use this time to care more for yourself; it doesn’t require any or very little money. I have given myself lots of DIY facials, soaks in the tub, figured out how to whiten my teeth, pedicures with the same tools as the salon, soften my feet and heals, a bit of home construction and decorating.
This year so far, has been one of countless and draining changes, but see the lessons in it all; discontinue the negative thoughts about 2020. Embrace it as a time for a new journey as your life will never return to the same. Reclaim yourselves, clean your mental closets, smash through those “woe is me” moments, get up, get moving, keep climbing. Remember, you OWN your power, it is indeed within you.
Until next time we meet, I wish all of you and your families continued wellness, light, peace and joy!
Coach G
Summer 2021
Get some running gear recommendations from Coach Gael here.