The Dimock Center (
Recognized nationally as a model for the delivery of comprehensive health and human services in an urban community, The Dimock Center provides the residents of Boston with convenient access to high quality, low cost health care and human services that might not otherwise be available to the communities we serve. In 2013, Dimock handled over 76,000 visits annually with 17,000 unique patients and clients representing a wide range of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds.
Hoodfit (@HoodfitMA)
The concept of “Hood” or “home” has evolved into a negative connotation over the years, particularly in Black and Latino, urban communities. Hoodfit seeks to amplify the positive attributes in ones’ hood that has allowed them to grow strong, experience resilience and exercise strategic problem solving. When they are then able to transfer those same skills to experiences outside of their “homes” they are “fit”. We have many examples of individuals who are now successful in the non-profit, public and private sectors who all pay homage to their fortitude of being “home-grown”. Now that we have acknowledged the gifts that come with surviving our “hoods” and becoming a successful contributor to the larger community, we also understand that there are compromises. Protecting your “hood” with endurance, strength and perseverance often comes at the price of neglecting our physical/spirit. HoodFit embraces the connection between mind, body and spirit—take care of your body and your mind will follow…take care of your spirit and your body will follow.
Boston Athletic Association (
More than 125 years after its inception, the Boston Athletic Association continues to be a leader within the sport of road racing and annually carries on the tradition of the Boston Marathon, the world’s oldest annual marathon and ranking as one of the world’s most prestigious road racing events. The B.A.A. promotes a healthy lifestyle through the support of comprehensive charity, youth, and year-round running programs.